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Be Yourself
$10,99 USD

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Find your inner strength and discover your true potential with the Whale-Tape "Strengthen Self-Esteem"! This unique meditation audio accompanies you on a journey to yourself. With the help of powerful affirmations and encouraging affirmations, you will learn to believe in yourself, recognize your own worth and love yourself for who you are. Relaxing music and soothing whale songs accompany your meditation and create an atmosphere of deep relaxation and inner peace. This makes it easier for you to let go, overcome negative thought patterns and focus on your inner strength. Benefits of the whale tape: Strengthens your self-esteem and self-confidence Promotes self-love and self-acceptance Helps you to overcome negative beliefs Puts you in touch with your inner strength and potential Supports you in achieving your goals Promotes positive thoughts and feelings Gives you serenity and inner peace Improves your sleep Increases your well-being Treat yourself to something good and start on your way to a happier and more fulfilling life now with the Whale Tape "Strengthen self-esteem"! Whale Tapes 'BE YOURSELF' contains: 'BE YOURSELF', 'SELF-LOVE AND SELF-ACCEPTANCE', 'ELEVATE YOURSELF TO YOUR BEST SELF', 'STRENGTHEN SELF-ESTEEM' AND 'A NEW BEGINNUNG - TACKLING CHANGE WITH COURAGE' Each of these recordings is 30 minutes long and offers complete relaxation and inspiration.

Detalles del Audiolibro

sep. 2024

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