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C and Data Structures
Publicación digital

C and Data Structures

$130,00 USD

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The basic textbook introduces the student to one of the most popular programming language C. It allows the student to write simple programs in C language to solve the problems. The book introduces simple linear and non-linear Data Structures such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, searching and sorting. Every program listing is explained, line by line so that a student can have a thorough understanding of the concepts, as well as the resulting outputs from each program.
SALIENT FEATURES IN THIS NEW EDITION• Several changes are made in this edition and much emphasis is laid on simple explanations of Programming Concepts.
• Exhaustive explanations are included with suitable pedagogical examples to make the readers to understand the basic concepts.
• Preliminary chapters of earlier edition have been further expanded with more material and examples for easy understanding.


1. Introduction to C Programming 2. Functions, Arrays & Strings 3. Pointers 4. Structures & Unions 5. Console File I/O
6. Introduction to Data Structures 7. Linked Lists 8. Tress and Graphs 9. Searching and Sorting

About the Author

Prof. P. Padmanabham, Ph.D (Computer Science) was formely senior Professor and Chairman, Board of Studies, Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. He has 30 years of teaching experience. He is presently Principal, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mangalpally, Hyderabad.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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