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Secrets & dreams
$16,99 USD

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Secrets & Dreams tells the story of Alejandro Zozaya, a Mexican hotelier that built an empire and saved Mexico's tourism industry more than once. Carlos Velázquez Mayoral, renowned business and travel journalist, sat down with this amazing businessman, who shared his life story through in-depth interviews.
Hyatt offered Zozaya 2.7 billion dollars to acquire Apple Leisure Group, the most visited hotel chain by Americans in Mexico, whose success lies in its operator, AMResorts, and brands such as Secrets and Dreams. Its luxury all-inclusive business model has proven to be resilient during crises and has been implemented in important beach destinations in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and Spain.
Alejandro's story, however, started when his family lost their house in the 1985 earthquake that devasted Mexico City. This caused him to turn a backpacking trip across Europe into an economic opportunity: He started working at Grupo Posadas, where he discovered his passion for the restaurant and hotel industry and worked his way up from dishwasher and housekeeper to top executive.
Alejandro understood the power of creating and managing demand, developing a strategic business platform, and influencing the economy. This has propelled him as a key player and opinion leader during the last crises that have affected the industry, including the AH1N1 flu and COVID-19 pandemics, proposing recovery strategies and encouraging collaboration between business owners.
In this book, Carlos Velázquez writing brings to life Alejandro's knowledge and insights, useful to young entrepreneurs everywhere.

Detalles del Libro

oct. 2022

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