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The Great Reset

The Great Reset

$5,99 USD

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The new simulated scenarios carried out by the World Economic Forum starting in 2020 account for global cyberattack situations, and in fact since then cyberattacks have become more frequent or so does the press tell us. The idea, the threat, as happened with the pandemic, is beginning to circulate. What would happen if we had to face a wave of cyberattacks that affected companies and their servers, but also the operation of hospitals, transportation and security? The proposed scenario refers not only to a cyberattack, but to a new pandemic: the cyber pandemic. The world economic system is supposed to need a "reset", and of course the WEF already has the plan about what the new global system should look like, what energy paradigm should be dominant and which players will be fundamental in the immediate future.

Detalles del Libro

sep. 2021

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